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Surrender to the struggle, embrace pleasure.

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Each month we hold a Q&A class for personal growth. The Q&A's are bountiful with real life challenges requiring conscious solutions. In January's Q&A, we explored a question how to stop doing one thing (that gives you pleasure) and transitioning to another activity that doesn't have the same emotional uplift.

The QUESTION: In January's Q&A, we explored a question how to stop doing one thing (that gives you pleasure) and transitioning to another activity that doesn't have the same emotional uplift. The example given was wanting to stay in bed on a rainy day.

THE STRUGGLE The struggle was giving up the pleasure of it and going to work when really all this person wanted to do was stay in bed and be in the joy of soft rain, warm bed. Of course this could be anything such as putting down a good book because you have an appointment elsewhere.

AWARENESS TO RESOLVE THE CHALLENGE As we discussed in the Q&A, the gift you can give yourself is to know your intrinsic nature and what gives you pleasure. Because once you've got that, you can start to cultivate the feelings that come with pleasure such as feelings of relaxation, clarity, warmth, strength, empowerment.

What you consciously focus on expands so its very important that you first surrender to the struggle of not wanting to give up something that is your natural way of being.

To be super clear, this isn't about staying in bed on a rainy day or not. It is about giving yourself permission to experience the feelings of pleasure.

INVITATION FOR ACTION Look beyond the struggle and ask yourself what is really happening within me? What am I truly experiencing? I think you will find that what you are experiencing is authenticity. This is who you are and who you are doesn't change. So train yourself to recognize the moments of pleasure that lift your spirit and feed your soul. Become so comfortable with your experience that you can 'call on the emotional uplift and feelings that soft rain' (insert your version) gives you in your day to day life, to positively impact your experience in the moments of no pleasure (often experienced as stress).

HOW YOU BENEFIT As you become masterful in this, you regain inner power. You are able to choose your experience and how you show it consciously.

You break the bonds of old thinking that pleasure is not for you. Pleasure is a vital ingredient for seeing yourself as worthy & powerful in your own way. Remember that your number one focus is to know yourself.

Big love and pleasure, Anna

Perhaps you are feeling the struggle and overwhelmed by your daily structure. Then, it's time to shift to pleasure (and power). Let's book a discovery call and have a conversation how you can move forward for the better. It's free too! Book your call here or reach out to me on my website,

Until next time, live with pleasure.

Anna Anna Schaumkel Founder of Goddess Lead & Flourish

Author of upcoming book, Unshakable Love



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