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"This course is very unique and gave me tools to change old patterns for the better. "


Phenomenal Women Share Their Stories

Best investment I ever made. I have no doubt the skills, knowledge and resources I have gained are creating my future that I never dared to believe was possible. I highly recommend this work  to everyone who is feeling stuck or seeking more purpose. 

Sandra, Photographic Story Teller, New Zealand


Being mentored by Anna over 12 months has truly been one of the most incredibly transformational experiences in my life. There is a never ending list of positive impacts this work and Anna has had on my attitude, mental health, career and personal life. 

I've gained clarity, confidence and unshakable love for the woman I am and for the work I do. This program has been instrumental to the success of projects I have delivered, goals achieved and the career growth I have experienced. In addition, getting clear of my personal narrative (my story), has enabled me to listen to my heart and true desires and have a deeply nourishing relationship with myself. 

I highly recommend this program for everyone who is prepared to be challenged and serious about doing your work.
The benefits will be loving and life changing.

Amanda, Entrepreneur, Australia 

I mentioned to Anna that I didn't think there was room for me as a coach. There were so many others better than me in this space. Anna said that 'there is room for everyone and it was because of this encouragement, I chose to work with Anna, 1-1 mentorship. So many gifts. At times it was hard as I overcame the limiting stories I was telling myself as a woman. Anna is kind and generous and she pushed me when I needed it most. During the program I wrote and published my first book and launched my coaching program. I am so grateful for this experience and highly recommend this to every woman who is thinks she can't do what she wants for herself. I can be the real me, and love who I am and I make a difference. If I can do it, you can too. 

Julie, Author and Coach, New Zealand. 


I was gifted 2 mentoring sessions with Anna. The 2 sessions painted my life, what worked and what didn’t work. I knew I was struggling in some areas and the structured 1-1 sessions acknowledged these struggles straight away It was a relief. I made a decision to work with Anna for one year. I just knew I had to make that commitment for myself. 

I learnt that I was making decisions based on what others wanted, even if I didn't agree. Because of this, I was often out of alignment with my integrity and impacted on self confidence. 


Since completing the awareness work, I have clarity and believe in myself. I follow what I know is right to do regardless of what others want me to do. I don’t have to make people happy to have them love me. This has lifted a big weight off my shoulders. It's freedom. I make my decisions based on my truth. I can finally be me and that in itself is priceless.

Kym, Manager, Australia

Anna has an amazing gift of pinpointing exactly where you are in your 'limiting story'. She is truly supportive, kind, and compassionate in helping you to understand the things that are stopping you from moving forwards in life. For me, my journey with Anna has been to maintain my awareness of when I am 'in my limiting story' and what part I am playing in any situation I find myself in. The transformation that takes place whilst working with Anna is astounding and I am definitely not be the same person.  
I am a consciously aware woman of substance. Thank you Anna.
Karen, Shamanic Soul Educator, Australia 

Before working with Anna for 12-months, I was stuck. I had come through a separation after 25 years of marriage. I was blind-swiped by the separation. I felt I was about to loose the family I had been with 25 years, I wouldn’t survive financially and never find another partner. My self-worth was zero.

I didn’t know how to change and how I could possibly get what I wanted. Working with Anna has given me the confidence to explore myself, how and why I got to this point of separation. It allowed me to set myself free from the past. With this understanding, I could move in a direction that was more the me now, being purposeful and adopting values into my life that represented what I believed. I am forever grateful for Anna’s acknowledgment of my fragility and her mentorship.
Sara, Teacher, Australia

I was just talking to a friend tonight about the 12-months mentorship with Anna and that it was the best program I’ve done in my life. Anna is incredible in the sense she just “gets” you, and is also so warm and nurturing to work with. The tools I have from my time working with her have up-levelled my life up in a way I couldn’t have done alone

 Zoe, Creative, Australia. 

I had no idea what kind of impact of the 6-month mentorship would have on my life. I am someone who is curious and likes to maintain personal development. I thought there was specific area of my life that needed attention. However as I started going through the program, I became aware of how I allowed the stressors of day to day life rob me of my inner joy and peace. 


I didn't want to pretend that everything was ok and the stressors didn't exist. It is not always easy going and at times it could be confronting. This is why having Anna mentor me through the program was a major part of the journey. Anna has an amazing understanding of and for people, and she is in no hurry as she walks you through the program and very much trusts the process. She believes in people until they are able to believe and trust in themselves.

Since starting this work, I am better able to respond to challenging situations and cope with stress. I have a deeper understanding of myself (my needs, values, fears) and an ability to understand my emotions and therefore choose responses instead of simply reacting.


I see my life through different eyes now - I feel empowered, and I believe I can make a difference to others and in my world. 

I would recommend the enhances awareness work, especially with Anna to anyone who wants to experience personal growth, get to know themselves better, and explore the depths of their heart to find that they have intrinsic value and can change their world simply by being who they are.

Pia, Business Owner. Australia.

Before working with Anna, I was challenged with fitting everything in with a busy professional life and family commitments.

There was crossed communication styles and this was a big concern for me. I was concerned that if something didn't change I wouldn't be able to maintain doing what I loved.  Anna’s compassionate guidance combined with the year long mentorship has given me a who new level of awareness in my life. The framework allowed me to acknowledge what was working and where I needed to focus my attention to make change. Then to structure alternatives that were more supportive for me. Now, I have clarity and ease in communication with others on a personal and professional level. I have a greater understanding of my needs and the tools to re-create balance when life gets busy.


Anna is amazing, fearless, caring and dynamic mentor. She didn’t let me gloss over the tricky bits which turned out to be the most important. I am so grateful for this experience. It has changed my life. 

Tania, Teacher, Australia.

Before working with Anna, I was very frustrated that people took advantage of me, both in my personal and professional life.
This work allowed me to view myself in a very safe and supportive process. I was able to examine how I looked at my world and participated in it.

Through the clear and structured program I was able to discover how deep seated beliefs were holding me back from exploring the world I had envisioned for myself from adolescence. At times the process was frustrating but vital for understand my beliefs as a woman, which ones supported me now and what didn't. Courageously and gently I was able to establish a new vision for me.

I have been able to navigate the passing of my mother during COVID19, and with my heart open to all that was going on during this time. I was able to ask for what I needed, be there for others fully. Most of all, I cherished the time and honoured the essence of who my mother had been. I can deal with conflict easier and tactfully (where previously I would panic internally). My body and mind are more relaxed. I experience having more time for enjoying life's pleasures. I AM AUTHENTICALLY ME. I am very thankful for Anna's safe and supportive guidance throughout this journey. 

Jacqueline,  New Zealand.

I was in the midst of a lot of confusion around my life. The decision to have Anna as my Mentor has been life changing. From the first conversation I had with Anna, I felt she was someone I could talk to and above all else, I could trust. Anna is very intuitive and on point, I really like this about her. I responded well to her style of mentoring where I felt supported and nurtured throughout. Another aspect of Anna's mentoring is that she is an excellent listener, which takes a lot of skill and patience on her part. 


As Anna guided me through the work, I discovered a lot about myself. I am still amazed at some of the insights I discovered which has been empowering for me. I learnt to understand myself better as a woman and to function from my feminine skill base. This gave me the confidence to speak up and respond with more awareness.

Anna is very intuitive and on the ball. The personal growth work is unlike any other and gave me more space to consider options and the tools to be a confident, feminine woman. I am no longer daunted by the big vision I have for myself to serve in the world.  Now I confidently redirect my ‘fire’ energy to take positive action towards my vision. I am very grateful to have had Anna for my Mentor and would highly recommend her. Be ready for an amazing journey of self discovery, a journey of coming home. 

Lyn, World Artist, New Zealand

Before working with Anna, I was dealing with a lot of emotional stress. I was working through a major transitional phrase in my professional life. I chose to work with Anna to support this process for 12 months.


During the work, I was able to discover my own best answers to move forward. This included restructuring my business so that I could focus on other projects. I just needed encouragement to see into my brave heart and to take to the right process to take action.


Anna is a compassionate visionary who holds you in the palm of her hand while you discover who you are and where you are going at this stage in life. Compassion, permission and support to change my long held beliefs, without judgement, is a rare skill to find in anyone. Anna is a 'rare find'.

Eleanor, Thought Leader, Australia

I decided to work with Anna as I had developed a way of thinking, in particular in stressful situations which were not serving me. In fact, I was disempowered and blocked from performing at my full potential, both in my personal life and in my professional life which I saw as two different things. At times the enhances awareness work was challenging especially unfolding the elements of my story. Anna is very compassionate and supportive. 


Now I am living a much happier, very real version of myself and pursuing endeavours that are very different from where I was heading before I participated in this work with Anna. I see the same people and engage in the same situations through a very different lens and miracles are indeed unfolding in my life. 

I would say to someone considering this work with Anna to do it! You will never be the same again. You will see so many more opportunities for yourself personally and professionally. You will experience so much more laughter, beauty and love in places you have already looked in and places you are yet to explore. 

Heidi, Business Woman, New Zealand.

I had reached a point in my life where I could no longer keep living with anxiety, worry and destructive behaviours. I was lucky to participate this incredible work with Anna as my Mentor.  I found the program healing without having to dive deep into the past traumas or challenges. The material is set at the perfect pace to gain an understanding of the work at hand, which I found very well structured, insightful and thought provoking. 

From doing this program, I have a deeper connection and understanding of myself. I understand my unique story and how it has gifted me with some great skills. I experience a strong base of wisdom on awareness and mindfulness which I am thoroughly enjoy embracing. There is more freedom in my mind and less worry. I really like the new techniques of mindfulness to help me walk successfully through life. 

Anna deserves her own book of gratitude for what she has gifted to me during this course. What a Goddess! Anna is always so cool, calm and collected and very present. I always felt safe to share and have discussions, some of which was of a sensitive nature. This was always met with Anna's authentic listening, refreshing feedback and non-judgmental support. A true friend has been made and I will always treasure Anna for helping me to open my eyes to what I have been trying to find all along. 

I would say to anyone considering mentorship with Anna to do it! I m so happy I decided to do this work. A truly wonderful, enlightening experience to face your fears, learn to act and respond in the most self-loving way and gain a deeper connection and understanding of yourself, others and the world around you. 

Carmela, Women's Health Advocate, United Kingdom.


I came to do Anna's 6-month awareness program at a time when I was starting out in a new business. There was a lot of stress, a lot of anxiety going on and I was very uncertain about my future. I started the program because I wanted to get rid of the stress and anxiety that I had been carrying around with me all my life.


It seemed to me as a guy, I work mostly from my head and not from my heart. The exercises I went through with Anna are like nothing out there, this enhances awareness work helped me identify what had been holding me back. It was really going back to my upbringing and unlearning a lot of stuff in the way that I had programmed myself.


Now I really understand sometimes it is smarter to work on unlearning. Anna really got me to confront my beliefs I held about myself. I found this really challenging.


Fast forward six months and I now have 12 clients each paying me $40,000 each and to put this into prospective, I had zero when I started this program. I really feel for the first time in my life at peace and I feel that I have this opportunity to operate from my heart and this is a life-changing experience.


If anyone is thinking about working with Anna and doing her Enhances Awareness Program, just do it. Apart from the results in my business, its equally about my relationships. My partner who I am about to get married to can't understand the changes I've experienced and she just says wow, do more of it. If you are thinking about it, just do it, your life will change. 

Andrew, Business Mentor, Australia


I met Anna at a time of my life when I had lost my vision and ability to see where next to place my feet. The path had become covered in weeds of disappointment and low self-esteem. On the outside I behaved like a respectable well dressed woman working as a PA for a lawyer. I have a loving partner, children and grandchildren but I had forgotten who I was.


Anna's mentorship over 12-months guided me back to my truth and away from my fearful condemning stories. Many times, Anna would gently remind me that I was back in my old narrative, so that I became more aware of seeing this for myself. The work is very well structured and I learnt that I always have a choices and over a course of time, learnt how to create self-loving choices. During the 12 months, I was beginning to experience more joy. I even said to Anna, I am no longer restricted by the story of my past, I could feel it dissipating. 


Anna helped me to see that change came from seeing myself through the eyes of love and choice. As I adopted these changes, life and relationships responded in kind. I began to experience more love. When I forgive, forgiveness flows in my relationships. 


Now I am operating from my moral compass designed by me. I have tools to navigate my way through life’s joys and challenges and I will continue to use them. Now, I have the freedom to pursue my passions.

I thank God for giving me Anna to be a light-house when I needed it most.

Robbie, Professional Writer, Australia

I had been looking for someone to work with who was strong as I coach. Anna was recommended to me.  After meeting with her, I felt that it could work. I had come through a very challenging period, I was exhausted and sensitive which led to being very reactionary.  Being a coach, my awareness was insightful enough to recognize that my life was not in flow, my inner compass not set to true north and life appeared in-congruent.


This work gave me a clear structure which I liked to view where I was now and what needed to change. Discovering my unique story was the key. It gave me insights and tools to establish where was going and what I needed to do to stay there.

I feel very blessed to have worked with Anna by my side. Anna is a fantastic coach that caused me to think from many different angles and allowed me to dialogue and process my insights and continue to expand my awareness.


Now, I have deliberate focus again and have a much greater understanding of my drivers. I take a much gentler approach how I drive my life forward. I have a greater respect for myself.

Kath, Training and Development, New Zealand

This awareness work is like turning up the light in a dark room so that I could see in the corners of my life, and often things I wasn’t even aware were causing limitations. It has made a positive impact on how I engage in my business and personal relationships as I am more aware of myself and others. 

The value has been significant and I will be adopting more of this structure and processes in the future with my work as Business Advisor and Mentor.

Warrick, Business Coach, Australia


I was referred to Anna by my Business Coach. After meeting with Anna, I decided the (EAP) mentoring program could benefit me on a personal level. It was very different from anything I had done before and caused me to think very differently about myself and life. Anna helped me get specific about the root cause that kept presenting as drama and confusion in my life. Once I identified the root cause, I was able to be specific in a plan of action. My mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being have been enhanced with focus and attention towards my true priorities. My relationships are more defined, rich and I have clarity in what's truly important for me personally and professionally.

Benjamin, Director-Commercial Business, Australia.

I participated in the 3 month Mindfulness Course with Anna as I had been through some long standing, challenging events. Anna provides a very safe, confidential and caring space to guide you through a process of learning your own story and the importance of awareness and mindfulness. I would say to someone considering this course - You must! You will learn so much about yourself and gain a deeper understanding of why you think what you think and do what you do. 

Tracy, Manager, New Zealand. 

"I heard about the Enhances Awareness Program and decided to find out more. After meeting Anna, I decided to do it. EAP is an intelligent and thoughtfully structured. It still challenges me, especially coming to terms with my story (narrative) that had impacted my life for years. Being an active 70 year old woman, I was ready to do something about it.  


I see myself beginning to handle situations differently. I am feeling so peaceful, loved, and just happy in general. I am on top of my life and this is so different from anything I have experienced before which has me believe it will be sustained. I am loving this program, its just so good for me and those around me. I tell everyone I have a Mentor, it is one of the best things I could have done at this time in my life. Anna has become a dear friend. I am always happy to share that it is never to late to learn something new. " 

Isabel, Retiree, Australia


Personal Growth - learning together

 I was feeling tired and rundown. I was searching for some life direction and life time purpose.  I actually said to Anna on my arrival that I didn’t want to go the my grave with the legacy of just working a job.  During the 2 - day immersion, I found that my work and personal life values were out of kilter. 

I discovered the lifelong story that has been holding me back. Anna is just brilliant at understanding ones story and her ability to articulate exactly what I was trying to express is phenomenal.


I highly recommend this course to anyone that is feeling burnt out; constantly rushing between work and and home. 

This course is unique in discovering your own mindset and providing you with the practical and tailor made tools to change/upgrade ones mindset and more importantly finding fulfilment and purpose in your life.


I haven’t come across anything like it in my years of personal development discovery.  It is very synced and thorough, but more importantly you come out of it with personable actionable tools that will lovingly change ones old belief and mindset patterns for the better.

Michelle, Business Owner, Australia


I was already committed to a high level business coaching program when I considered attending 2 - Day Intensive. Any investment in time needs a return and I wanted assurance that it would be of value for me. Anna was very direct that this workshop offered a different prospective and would enhance my development. She was right.


The content and delivery was precisely what I am requiring at this time as I have been navigating the total change of everything that was familiar in my life and in my career. Anna’s gentle guidance through each step of this process really resonated with me. I look forward to integrating all I have learnt more fully. 

Sally, Business Owner, Australia

The short course with Anna has above anything else, reminded me of the importance of touching base with my emotional needs more often, and in a more purposeful manner. In doing these exercises I have reinforced and reflected on what values are currently most important in my life and can therefore live more ‘true to myself’. This brings me greater peace. It is too easy to listen to that inner voice which is sometimes based on past negative experiences or old ideas, instead of simply living in the now and listening to your heart, and how you feel about a situation – not how you ‘think’ you should feel.


Anna has a trusting, professional and charismatic nature which made me feel comfortable to share personal topics and take on board her experienced, relevant and insightful advice. I also found Anna’s high level of communication and follow-up emails extremely professional and reassuring. I am so grateful for the happiness in my life and Anna encouraged me to keep creating more of this on my journey of self-awareness.

Samantha, Director, New Zealand


The Mindfulness Course is an awakening experience with thorough content that is thought provoking and revealing. It helps to strip layers away and exposes the essence of who you are. Anna provides a space for you to enable to be free to learn about your authentic self. 


There is so much improvement in accepting my authentic self, speaking my truth, and how I can choose to utilize my beautiful gifts positively. Learning more about awareness and mindfulness. Also learning about self-forgiveness. If you are considering doing this workshop, then you are likely to be at a place in your life where you are truly ready to place yourself first. You are ready to understand the answers to your questions about the real authentic you. 

Gina, Conscious Home Maker, New Zealand

Coming along to The Mindfulness Course was something I knew I had to do although I wasn't completely sure what it was about or that it was going to change my whole life around for the better of myself, my family and my future life. I was nervous about coming as I was quite shy when it came to opening up about myself.


Meeting Anna was an instant relief and comfort to my soul. This made it easier to want to be there and open up with my life and mind to take in all the knowledge and gain my confidence back. It was an amazing three days and Anna and this workshop will forever be in my life. For this I am truly grateful.


I am writing this a little over 5 months since I started with Anna and PTM. During those 5 months I have been mindful and more aware of how the program works. I am happy to say, I have found what I was looking for (confidence in all areas of my life) even though I didn't know all of this was within myself.  It was an amazing workshop and has changed my life. Do it, trust the instructor and workshop so you can open yourself up for all the great knowledge and life changing experience. 

Sarah, Conscious Home Maker. New Zealand

I have to admit that the awareness course for business owners gave me much more than I expected.  The fresh head-space I am enjoying to use in my business is so valuable.  I know every business person could use that and it all came from simply giving up two Saturdays. Anna is such a gem, providing a supportive environment, she got out of me more than I could see clearly in my own head and in the end it was all my ideas, my concepts and that made it all the more worthwhile. Anna is a fantastic facilitator who absolutely knows how to read and engage a room.

Donna, Business Owner, Australia


I had recently left corporate (one of many changes) and was in transition. After completing the enhances awareness mentoring program with Anna, I was clear that it was my time to pursue a new career path. The awareness short course for small business owners resonated with me.


Anna is a fantastic facilitator who absolutely knows how to read and engage a room. She understands how to create a safe space for us to open up and dream big. Her energy and her passion to make a difference is very contagious.


I enjoyed the workshop a lot and took very valuable insights home with me. Thank you Anna for guiding us through that fantastic workshop and for empowering us to walk on our own unique pathways.
Sonja, Teacher Yoga, Australia


I attended Anna’s two-day, awareness course for small business owners because I was interested in finding out how to  have more confidence in reaching people. Anna provided a simple and inspired process for gaining insights about myself value and how to take that out into the world.  She is very engaging and thoughtful in her approach.


I felt her acceptance of myself and for each of the participants and especially her interest in helping people express themselves fully, was outstanding. She created a very comfortable space and made everyone feel relaxed about sharing their mission in the world.
Carolyn, Wellness Coach, Australia


I thoroughly enjoyed the one day workshop to discover your unique brilliance. The information and process was real and effective. I will be referring back to my workbook many times.


For what is achieved, this has to be the best one day workshop I have attended.

Tracie, Landscape Photographer, Australia

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