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No Sugar Coating. If you want to be Your-Self, you must search for HER.

Updated: Nov 16, 2024

Can you settle in for a conversation about your feminine longing to awaken and lead you powerfully forward? This is a hand on heart moment - If you want to embrace your full-hearted potentiality, you must do the work. At the same time, you don't have to follow the path most travelled and push yourself so far outside your comfort zone that you worry about failing.

There is a formula for becoming your kind of phenomenal. One that honours your feminine, your view of the world and your vision for yourself. A soulful woman, deeply connected to herself and her calling.

You can enjoy the ride even when it is a roller coaster.

Perhaps you are still in the shadows of your life waiting for a sign that goes - new you this way. Let's be honest, even if there was such a thing, would you step on the path? Probably not. Do you wonder why? You must awaken the woman who is your true expression and is within. And she is powerful, sensual and divinely intelligent. There will be a time to take action. It's just not the beginning for women who are gentle and ambitious.

If you want to be your authentic self, you must go in search of her.

Have you ever had a conversation with the woman you want to be? This is an important part of the process for healing your doubts and worries. Bring her to the surface and kiss the sunlight by giving her space and time. Slowly, slowly. Ask yourself questions you can answer to build your sense of trust that this woman exists within you. Such as: What would she be doing, how would she dress, speak and behave. You do know these answers because they have been in your head a long time. Commit them to paper. In fact I lovingly recommend you purchase a journal just for you and her. Enter a regular dialogue so you become familiar with who is beneath the should do's and fears.

Get help to explore how to become this woman.

It's challenging for anyone to give themselves a good haircut. The same applies to you discovering your authentic nature and taking action on your big dreams. At some point you have to draw the line in the sand and commit to getting the support from someone who believes in your hopes and vision; until such time as you are strong enough to hold it for yourself. There is unbelievable value in having someone champion you, cheer you on and be there for you when things get tough (and they do). The right person gives you structure for your nature to trust in what is possible. This alone is priceless.

Belong with people who see you.

Coming out of the shadows of your life can be vulnerable and exhilarating. As I mentioned it is a roller-coaster. When you are in a community of open-hearted, ambitious women on a similar journey as you, everything changes. You get to see yourself through their stories and journey. With the right coach, you will be given ample opportunity to voice your opinions and be heard. Can you imagine? You are witnessed as a woman with ideas, opinions and challenges and you are celebrated. This one action keeps you out of the shadows and isolation.

Staying in the conversation for being phenomenal.

There will be times when you doubt that this woman, A Goddess is real and exists. You can be feminine, gentle and powerful. You can actually lead with love. Who Me? To stay in the conversation and build a strong foundation for the woman you are becoming, surround yourself with women who are already this. Read their books, subscribe to their podcasts, join their masterminds, attend to their courses. Start a book club and invite women in your tribe. The internet gives us world-wide access to connect. Nourish yourself with the foods of their offerings and share what you are learning with the women who get you. The sharing anchors your learning and prepares you to take the actions that have you flourish. Here's what one of our courageous women had to say about going in search of her true-self.

"Anna’s combination of professionalism, wisdom and warmth helped me see how I was holding myself back from making my life, my work and my relationships extraordinary. I now experience more quality, love and connection in my relationships. I take care of my well-being and I have an overall enjoyment for myself and my life". Joanne, Australia

I know it can be overwhelming entering this journey and doing it on your own. I invite you to book an exploratory call to find out how to step out of the shadows once and for all, and at your pace. It can be done. We will listen to your hopes and challenges, and explore options best suited to your nature.

Let's chat. Book your call here. Until next time, trust that you are ready to flourish.

Anna xo Anna Schaumkel is the founder of The Goddess As A Woman Growth programs and helps gentle, ambitious women to become impactful coaches, artists and solopreneurs.



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