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Shining your Light is easier this way.

Updated: Nov 18, 2024

Chances are you are one of the many women who have so much more to share, teach, and give and don’t. It isn’t because you’re stingy or have limited ideas; it's the opposite. Given the opportunity, you would be having the best time sharing your knowledge for the betterment of others.

The truth is that stepping up is challenging. There is always the chance you will be judged or rejected, sometimes by those closest to you. There are probably one or two times over your life when you have been put back in your place. You know the conversations I refer to, right? "What are you doing that for? That’s a waste of time. Isn’t it better to get a real job? Who do you think you are? You will never make money doing that." It hurts, doesn’t it?

These are conversations that you have had with yourself too. If this is your experience, just know that this is normal and fixable. Before you take practical action, I invite you to consider this. Your heart is not wired like 80% of the population who strive to achieve. You, beautiful woman, are wired to transform the quality of others' lives. Your drive is contribution. This is a deep knowing laying in wait for your attention and requires a different approach. One that meets your gentle nature and pulls you towards fulfilment and success. Before you can step into full-hearted potentiality and shine, you first need to investigate and shift your mindset.

Why is shifting your mindset important? The story that you tell yourself can empower choices or deny access to what you desire most. It is my experience as a women’s growth coach that before action, you must develop a language that matches your deep knowing. Otherwise, your heart and mind are in conflict. A confused mind reacts, whereas a clear mind plans action in alignment with the heart. The language you use is a model for connection with yourself and others—the language for connection.

Today, I am sharing one of the processes we have in our signature program to develop your language of connection. I am sharing this with you to give you hope You don't have to follow the standard formula to will yourself to make things happen. You can invite another form of energy and focus that allows for curiosity and innovation. Strengthen your language and your mindset shifts.

Here we go.

The language for connection.

Imagine you have a new friend who is 100% interested in learning about your deep knowing to serve. You don’t have to play down your heartfelt ideas or hide under your fears. You can just say it like it is, and you do. This new friend has done something similar and made her career her mission. You are so inspired by her too. Trust the process. Develop the language first, and the confidence to strategize follows. Remember, this is to shift your mindset from the limiting story you tell yourself that keeps you in the shadows.

Take a step with curiosity.

Hey friend, let me explain my heartfelt knowing to contribute to others in my way. Journal a few sentences to warm up your self-belief and connect with your intuition. Now that you have expressed yourself in this way, how does it make you feel? Happy, excited, apprehensive (also a form of excitement), curious, to name a few. Journal a few sentences to express your emotional state.

Now I invite you to add movement.

Your heart resides in your body and is the driver of all action. Let’s give it some love and attention. What is a simple movement that you can do that expresses how you feel? Don’t miss this step. Journal a sentence and then practice it immediately.

Something to make your heart sing. One track that literally sings to how you feel now Music soothes, energies and inspires. “One of the higher functions that a human brain can engage with is the performance of music,” says Dr Bernard Bendok, of the Mayo Clinic. For gentle, ambitious women especially, music connects intuition with hope and intention. Do not miss this step.

Put it all together and practice. The language you have developed with words, the emotion/feelings you have experienced, and the movement and music. Give yourself the gift of aligning your heart with a clear mind 3 times a day for this week. As I am writing this, I am dancing in my seat to "Roar" with Katy Perry. This approach is designed for gentle, ambitious women to respond to how they are wired. It is also one of the processes we use in the signature Growth Program because gentle women learn faster through experience. Here's how Natalie's experience changed as she found the right strategies and structure for her nature.

I identified my personal narrative that had been holding me stuck in old patterns for years. This was very freeing. I learnt how to integrate my core values and this led to making supportive lifestyle choices. This changed how I related to others especially when I felt I was being judged. I am more peaceful and trust myself more. I feel lighter, happier, and accepting and loving with myself. Natalie, Australia.

As you continue to learn and respect your true nature and lean into your deep knowing to serve your way, you too will shine. Is this something you dream about? Releasing stuck patterns and discovering tools to help you live more fully? If so, I encourage you to book a free exploratory call with me. I will listen deeply to what is going on with you and map out steps towards fulfilment.

Go ahead and book our time here.

Until next time, remember your deep knowing has value.



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